a community outreach center
Sam's PlaceSam’s Place is a one stop hub where individuals and families can access information and referrals to other community partners.
Assistance is offered with a variety of needs including, but not limited to, health, transportation, food, home repairs, and an avenue to apply for financial aid for housing. Also offered are vision and hearing aids, clothing, and furniture vouchers. Referrals are made based upon personal needs, available funds, and program criteria.
Located at:
Culpeper Career Resource Center
219 East Davis Street
Suite 300
Culpeper, VA 22701
Open 8 a.m. until 12 noon,
Please call 727-1055, ext. 409, for appointment after 1 p.m.
Community Partners with Sam’s Place:
Community Touch Inc.
Culpeper Community Development Corp.
The Culpeper Food Closet
Culpeper Mid Day Lions Club
Culpeper Shelter Ministry
Handy Hearts Handyman Ministries
Rappahannock Goodwill Industries
American Red Cross
Full Circle Thrift Store
Get In Touch
219 East Davis Street
Suite 100
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
(540) 727-1055
Equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.