Bernard became a dislocated worker after he was laid off from his employer of eleven years due to a workforce reduction. As a Business Improvement Director, he had worked out of his home as a telecommuter. Bernard felt he had all the skills necessary to get back into the workforce and, from the position he recently held, he could apply his transferable skills in other areas of employment, but he just wanted some help getting back into the workforce. He met with our Career Consultant to go over his resume: as a result, Bernard made some changes to an already strong accomplishment-based resume designed to enhance its attractiveness to employers. Additional discussions with the Case Manager about different ideas on job search and how the hiring process was done in today’s job market provided fresh perspectives. Bernard expressed his appreciation for all the information provided.
Subsequently, the Case Manager received a telephone call from Bernard telling her he was offered and had accepted a position as Project Consultant at the client’s worksite. A follow-up email message several days later told of his pleasure with his new position.